LA 2017!

LA 2017!
LA 2017!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Max is finally really starting to talk! So, Max has been in speech therapy forever I think, LOL, and has learned a ton of sign language, which has been amazing so we can communicate, but Steve and would always say, I wonder what his voice will sound like, and just couldn't wait to hear him utter some words. Of course, he has over the past several months, said DaDa...and Papa, of course not Mama!! :) - then ba and nonsensical things, but it seems like all of the sudden, over the last weeks, he is really trying and all of the sudden Bye came out, then more, then finally Ma! He mostly needed prompting, but he is getting it. Then on Saturday after an overnight at Grandma and Grandpa's, he came in and said, Hi!! I was like what!!?!??? So, needless to say, we are so thrilled to hear his amazingly sweet voice starting to talk and make himself heard. I think as he gets physically stronger, his words come more and more. You can tell he is so proud of himself  and so are we!!

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